3 Simple Ways I Stay Organized: Motherhood, School & Life

3 Simple Ways I Stay Organized: Motherhood, School & Life

The holidays have come to an end. I am in the process of getting my son, and I ready for school again. For most of us, this entire month is about getting back on track. January always feels like a month-long hangover after the holidays. I spent my holidays drinking wine, watching movies, spending time with family and friends, and procrastinating on anything that required hard thinking (my research paper). But now, back to the hustle and bustle. January is a new year, a fresh start with maybe some new goals. Many will be launching products, adding new services to their business and also creating brand new business. To maximize our success, being organized is key!

The year is starting a little bit hectic. I am moving soon (check out the previous blog post “Quick Life Update: New House, Online Learning and a New Baby!” And recent IGTV video). I have a research paper that needs my undivided attention, a few smaller assignments, and content to prepare for next month. Also, there are daily things that I need to remember. When I am not organized, I tend to get overwhelmed with what I have to get done. When I am overwhelmed, I procrastinate and become less productive. Being organized is a part of my self-care routine. Self-care Sundays consistent making sure my organization systems are up to date while enjoying a facial. When it comes to organization, I try to keep it as simple as possible. There are three things I currently utilize to stay organized and productive daily.


I have one planner that consist of monthly calendars that I use for everything, when assignments are due, it tells me when bills are expected to come out, important dates to remember, and everything else you. I use the calendar to track when I need to start a particular task, specifically my academic work. I like to have everything in one space; I don’t have to search for anything. This planner keeps me on track throughout the weeks. If it is not on my calendar, I guarantee you I won’t get it done.

Batching Content

What is batching content? Batching content is when you set aside time to complete all required business-related tasks within one sitting—for example, writing your blog post, editing visuals or creating social media content. I have been batching content for a while, however, not consistently. Batching content is a great way to stay organized and be productive, especially for those like myself who are in school or have children. It is also helpful for those working a 9-5 and running their own business. Batching can be beneficial as it allows you to have that uninterrupted time to focus on your business. It is not easy to stay organized when trying to multi-task between the different aspects of your life. It can become overwhelming, stressful, and you end up being less productive. I use the technique of batching content for my academic work, as well. I choose a day in the week to complete all school-related tasks that are not necessarily the heavier assignments, but they are small tasks that can be complete reasonably quickly. Doing this allows me to focus more on my assignments that require more extended periods to complete.  

Notes App

There is only one app on my phone that I use to keep me organized. I find that I can quickly get distracted while on my phone. I use the Notes app (I have an iPhone) to track things that I don’t need to put on my calendar. For example, a list of things to get done, blog content ideas or my grocery list. This app comes in handy when I am not around a paper or a pen, and I want to get something down before I forget.

Stay organized and keep it simple!



  1. January 4, 2021 / 2:47 pm

    I love the idea of batching, going to try that out. Happy New Year Shannon!

    • Shannonbeckford
      January 4, 2021 / 8:23 pm

      Yes, try it out! And, Happy New Year

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