3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Child’s Mental Health

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Child’s Mental Health

This year has not been an easy year for us as parents, so we can imagine how hard it has also been on our children. My son has been having a hard time this year with all the cancellations and changes due to COVID19. Like many others, my son had to transition from attending school physically full-time to online learning, which was frustrating and stressful for him. And to be honest, quite boring. The summer activities he was looking forward to, such as soccer, swimming and basketball, were cancelled. He has not seen his friends at school, he has not been able to meet up with the neighbourhood kids at the park, and his favourite cousins have had to stay at a distance. He was spending more time inside than ever before, and for an extremely active child, that was tough. We are entering into stage three, and slowly we are getting back to certain things but with lots of precautions. Through these hard times, I utilized three things to keep my son’s mental health at its best and reduce any stress or frustration he was feeling due to these hard times.

Three ways I keep My Son’s Mental Health at Its Best

Rest: Finding time to rest is so crucial. My son is the definition of an energizer bunny. He does not know when to stop and rest his body. Resting helps us to feel both emotionally and physically refreshed. When children rest, it helps improve how they process information, their attention span and helps them process learning experiences better. When my son does not rest, I experience his troublesome behaviours, irritability and unnecessary tantrums. My son has passed the nap stage, so rest for him looks like quiet activities with limited stimulation. Activities include reading, drawing, colouring, puzzles, and often building with Lego.

Fresh Air: In a previous blog, “5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Manage Stress 2020,” I mentioned fresh air does so many great things for your body. From improving your digestive and immune system to making you feel energized and happy. I spend a lot of time outdoors with my son, especially as all his extra-curricular summer activities have been cancelled this year. We complete most of our arts and craft activities outdoors, allowing us to get fresh air and be messy. We go on walks almost every day, and he also enjoys riding his bike. As things get better, he is starting to play with the kids on our street. So, we are spending even more time outside since they are always ringing my doorbell.

Quality Time: Quality time with our children is essential; it reduces a lot of the attention-seeking behaviours we sometimes experience. My son and I enjoy playing board games together, we have a small collection building, and when we play, he has my undivided attention. Quality time builds up our children’s self-esteem, reinforces positive behaviours, improves communication, and so much more. 

What has been helping you get through this year with your children?

Comment and share below!



  1. Genevieve
    August 4, 2020 / 6:11 pm

    My daughter and I went on lots of hiking trips during this pandemic! I have been working on expressing emotions. You shared all great tips. Love

    • Shannonbeckford
      August 5, 2020 / 12:21 am

      Fresh air and quality time that is amazing! and thank you as well.

  2. Monique
    August 5, 2020 / 12:46 am

    This was a great read. Rest is definitely crucial and can determine how your day will go.

    • Shannonbeckford
      August 5, 2020 / 2:03 am


  3. August 5, 2020 / 3:21 am

    I think we’re doing well except for the quality time. This really opened my eyes to what I’m setting as my priority, its a little embarrassing to be honest! And now I’m going to make sure I finish up my week strong with my boys. Thank you for this!

    • Shannonbeckford
      August 5, 2020 / 6:14 pm

      Np! I slack often in this area because I am so occupied and I pay for it in the long run. Sometimes you just need that reminder!

  4. Kamesha
    August 5, 2020 / 5:27 pm

    These tips are so crucial to the young mind, and their mental health. Thanks so much for sharing Shan!

    • Shannonbeckford
      August 5, 2020 / 6:14 pm


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