5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Manage Stress 2020

5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Manage Stress 2020

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a crazy year, and we are only halfway through! 2020 has been stressful, and like for many others, it has had a huge impact on my mental health. COVID-19 turned everything upside down. I had to finish the remainder of my academic program online while trying to homeschool my son. I also received a job offer the week before the world went into a massive lockdown. Which required me to work from home immediately. Two months into working from home, the job decided they needed to do a temporary layoff, due to COVID-19. Vacation plans that I was looking forward to this year were obviously cancelled. My sons’ extracurricular activities for this summer, swimming, soccer and basketball were cancelled. My social interactions have been limited, and going outside requires more precautions than before. Stores have limited capacity, leading to extensive lineups. It is overwhelming! With all that is going on, racism continues. I’m tired of waking up to see African-American people killed by those paid to serve and protect. It is heartbreaking to see children constantly losing their parents. BLACK LIVES MATTER, and when are people going to understand that!? Racism is not a debate. This year is stressful, unpredictable and becoming heavy on my heart.

            Our mental well-being is extremely important. We need to find ways to positively boost our mental health, especially during hard times. Over the past two months, I have established five things that have allowed me to feel good, manage negative emotions and get me through my most challenging days. These five items are not set in stone, and I can grow with them or make changes depending on how I feel and my present circumstances.

Five Ways I Improve My Mental Health and Manage Stress

  1. Exercise: We all know or should know that exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Working out builds up our endorphins production, which is our “feel-good” neurotransmitters. One of my best friends, Rae Watson, is a certified personal trainer and weight loss coach. She has a 30-day fitness challenges for women, which I have been a participant of consistently. I am currently completing my third round of the 30 days. I love this program and have experienced amazing results. Her website is http://raewatson.com/, and you can also find her on Instagram @trainedbyrae.
  2. Self-Care: During these times, I have taken full advantage of my self-care, focusing on improving my skincare routine. I currently follow a new skincare routine, and I have invested in some new products that have been working well for me. Completing my skincare routine is relaxing and soothing for me, especially at the end of these stressful days. Our face is a place where we can hold a lot of tension, so it is nice to focus on that part of my body at the end of the day.
  3. Fresh Air: Fresh air does so many great things for your body. From improving your digestive and immune system to simply making you feel energized and happy. Throughout the days, I like to spend time outside on the front porch, usually getting work done or reading a book. I also like to take walks in the evening around my neighbourhood while listening to some R&B music. It is such a great way to clear your mind before going to bed.
  4. Reading: I love to read; reading is already a part of my daily life. It is my favourite thing to do when I’m having a rough day. Reading is known to completely relax your body by calming your heart rate. It allows me to take a break from everything that is going on around me and dive into a different world. Reading helps calm my mind, which reduces my anxiety and stress levels.
  5. Social Media Cleanse: Social media can become extremely overwhelming and harmful. Over these last few weeks, for me, I wanted to be informed and up to date with what was happening in our world. However, at the same time, it was devastating to wake up to a tragic story each day. There was a day where I had to delete Instagram and Twitter to replenish myself in some positive ways mentally. For me, it had become addicting and unhealthy to scroll and continually watch terrible things happen to the black community. I needed a break, and I allowed myself to take one. I encourage you also to take some time away from social media when you feel it affecting your mental health.

Comment and share below ways you have been managing stress this year! What steps have you taken to put your mental health first?



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